On October 25, 2023, the Postgraduate Graduation procession for the 1st period of the 2023/2024 Academic Year was successfully carried out on the Gadjah Mada University Campus. This event witnessed the success of the Department of Agricultural Socioeconomics postgraduate students, who completed their education at master’s (S2) and doctoral (S3) levels. Mutiarra Ridyo Arum, a Master’s student in Agricultural Economics, won the Best Graduate of the Department of Agricultural Social Economics title at the Masters (S2) level. On the other hand, at the doctoral level (S3), the best graduate award was won by Amelia Murtisari, who showed dedication and perseverance in carrying out her education so far.
The following is a complete list of the names of graduates from the UGM Department of Agricultural Socioeconomics at the Postgraduate Graduation Period I on October 25, 2023:
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences:
• Amelia Murtisari
• Altri Mulyani
Master in Agricultural Economics:
• Heni Fatmawati
• Rinda Nur Rohmah Sujiono
• Asyifa Rahmita Zahra
• Mutiarra Ridyo Arum
• Rezki Putra
• Nabilla Affilia Zanda Arifin
Master in Agribusiness Management:
• Dita Satupa Agustin Gen Gumelar
• Salsyadilla Kusumasari
• Ahadyah Ayu Umaiya
• Fajar Istiqomah
• Siti Rohmah Rinayati Syarifah
• Syarifatul Waqingah
• Dio Lucky Dodianto
• Riezky Alviansyah
• Andre Semury Fanggidae
• Aryanti Nurfadhillah
• Indah Pranata Ningrum
• Rara Sri Wahyu Anugrah Dewayanti
The Department of Agricultural Socioeconomics congratulates the graduates on this extraordinary achievement. Hopefully, the title you have achieved will be the start of a successful and fulfilling career journey. The Department of Agricultural Socioeconomics also hopes that the knowledge obtained during the studies will be helpful for society and the world of agriculture. This success will motivate students to continue achieving achievements and inspire future generations. Congratulations on your success, and keep moving forward!